Questions and solutions

How do I order a product?
To purchase one of our desirable Excel spreadsheets, you either navigate through the menu bar to 'DASHBOARDS' or 'INDIVIDUAL DASHBOARDS' and choose your preferred Excel dashboard. Then proceed as the instructions suggest you. Another possibility is, to navigate directly through the right side of the website, to make your choice and to receive one of our effective Excel spreadsheets.

How does the payment process work?
Basically after a successful order and payment you receive your acquired Excel spreadsheet usually within 1-3 days. This time value can vary with 'INDIVIDUAL DASHBOARDS', depending on how extensive the desired calculation should be.

• What do I do in case of any questions or queries regarding to the spreadsheet?
If you have questions of any kind about our spreadsheets, we'd be happy if you please contacted us via the menu bar at 'CONTACT US' and tell us your concerns. We always make every effort to respond to you as quickly as possible.

• Which personal information do I need to indicate and why?
Your personal details such as your name , e-mail address etc. we need in order to communicate with you. We always adhere to the privacy policies and transfer your data under nor circumstances to a third party. For further information, concerning that topic, please read our Privacy Policy.