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The author has the right to use all the contributions within this website, unless otherwise specified or other rights preclude. The author endeavors to respect on all sides the copyrights of the graphics, documents, video sequences and texts to use as possible to use its own graphics, documents, video sequences and texts or to use unlicensed graphics, documents, video sequences and texts. All mentioned in the pages of the operator and possibly protected brands and trademarks are the provisions of applicable trademark law and the ownership rights of the respective registered owners. The mere mention does not draw the conclusion that trademarks are not protected by third party rights.

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The author expressly declares that at the time of linking, all linked pages were free of illegal content and have no influence on the current and future design and content of the linked pages. The author hereby expressly distances himself from all contents of all linked pages which were changed after linking. This statement applies to all within its own internet links and references. For illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents and especially for damages arising from the use or disuse of such information lies solely with the provider of the site which was referenced.


Privacy Policy


To protect your personal data, we handle it very seriously, especially on the occasion of your visit to our website. Your data is protected, as required by the statutory regulations, in particular the new Telemedia Act. Below you will find information, which data is recorded during your visit to our website and how it is used.


If you have provided personal data, we use it only to answer your inquiries, to process contracts concluded with us and for technical administration. Your personal information will only be disclosed to third parties or otherwise transferred if this is required to fulfill the contract or if, for accounting purposes, it is necessary. You have the right to revoke your consent with effect for the future at any time. The deletion of saved personal data occurs if you revoke your consent to saving. If  knowledge to fulfill the intended purpose of the saving is no longer necessary or if their storage for other legal reasons is inadmissible.


Right of knowledge


We are happy to give you information about your own personal data saved from us if your data has been stored in any way. For consultancy please use the contact form under "questions" to connect to our support team.




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