Welcome to excel4business!

With excel4business you receive specific, sophisticated and effectively applicable Microsoft Excel spreadsheets that will generate you considerable benefit in everyday business, as well as in private life.


When working in Excel, certain steps are repeated constantly. These steps are often very one-sided and consume precious time.


If you haven't got the time or the technical know-how, excel4business supports you  in various ways during your everyday business. Our product range includes


  • Smart financial tools
  • Customized data analyzing spreadsheets
  • Tailored business solutions


according to your personal specifications and desires.

Due to outstanding clarity and understandable, manual data input excel4business supports you actively and will save you both time and money with a purposeful result output. These efficiency potentials are definitely waiting to be released!

Please find your matching calculation tool in our product overview and get ready for an efficient way of working - with excel4business!